Business & IT Alignment

One of the key challenges facing modern organisations in the 21st Century is how to management change and complexity. Such complexity has often been self inflicted by previous strategies typically focused on operational excellence, product leadership or customer intimacy. Whilst such strategies may well have served the business well in the past, introducing strategic changes in response to changing market conditions is likely to have far reaching implications on the underlying information systems and technology used to sustain the business in the past and support the business in the future.

With such dependency leadership teams need to have confidence that their IT portfolios and investments are capable of supporting the strategic intent of the business, whilst providing opportunities to drive out costs and improve operational efficiencies.

Here at ARC we work with organisations to ensure that Business and IT strategies are synchronised over time, providing clear operating models and technology road maps and governance that support emerging business requirements and capabilities, whilst taking advantage of technology advancements to remove cost and deliver value through integration.


ARC working in partnership to enable organisations to leverage and realise their IT investments